Some of my favorite writing on psychology, personal growth, and how we can become the person we want to be.
Accepting Ordinary with Dr. Ron Siegel
On this episode of Being Well, we are joined by psychologist and author Ronald Siegel to discuss how to drop the myth of the extraordinary, how to heal from feelings of inadequacy, and what healthy self-esteem looks like.
Working with Anger
On this episode of Being Well, Dr. Rick Hanson and I explore the varied ways anger surfaces, how we can relate to it, and how in recognizing what it has to tell us we can channel its energy towards positive changes in our lives.
Becoming More Self-Aware
In this episode of Being Well, Dr. Rick Hanson and I explore what it takes to develop self-awareness over time, why maintaining awareness can be such a struggle, and how much of what self-awareness reveals is our natural movement towards health and integration.
Changing Old Patterns, Self-Awareness, and Repairing with Family: Mailbag
On this episode of Being Well, Dr. Rick Hanson and I open up the mailbag to explore a variety of questions from our listeners.
Maximize Your Motivation: Dopamine, Discipline, and Accepting Our Nature
On this episode of Being Well, we explore how to optimize our motivation.and how to best frame our outlook so we can feel relaxed, diligent, and uninhibited from being who we want to be and accomplishing what we want to accomplish.
Recovering from Secondary Traumatic Stress with Laura van Dernoot Lipsky
On this episode of Being Well, Forrest talks with trauma expert Laura van Dernoot Lipsy about how we can better manage secondary traumatic stress, how to avoid burnout and overwhelm, and what it looks like to stay hopeful and live fully in the face of daunting societal challenges.
Rumination: Disrupting Obsessive Thoughts
On this episode of Being Well, Dr. Rick Hanson and I spell out what rumination is, where it comes from, and how it functions in the brain. We then explore what practices and strategies we can use to move through it compassionately and effectively.
How to Not Die Alone: Navigating Modern Dating with Logan Ury
On this episode, I talk with Logan Ury to discuss the mechanics of dating - chemistry, romance, apps, and how to reframe our self-limiting tendencies so we can find love.
Understanding Stress: Causes, Biological Basis, and Increasing Resilience
On this episode of Being Well, we take a deep dive into defining stress, how it functions, how it impacts our lives and bodies, and what we can do to repair from its effects.
Using the Enneagram to Rewrite Your Story with Ian Morgan Cron
On this episode, I have a conversation with Ian Morgan Cron about how to use the Enneagram personality typing system to aid us in identifying and changing our underlying personal narrative.
Hedonic Adaptation: How to STAY Happy
On today’s episode of Being Well, Dr. Rick Hanson and I consider the human tendency to return to the same basic level of happiness regardless of recent positive or negative experiences–also known as hedonic adaptation–and how to contend with it so we can get off the hedonic treadmill.
The Science of “Self” with Dr. Jud Brewer
On today’s episode of Being Well, Dr. Rick Hanson and I talk with mindfulness author and researcher Dr. Jud Brewer about what a “self” is, where we can find it in the brain, and the benefits of relaxing our attachment to it.
Supporting Yourself During Difficult Times
We spend this episode focusing on how to relate to the challenging emotions of fear, grief, anxiety, helplessness, and rage that come up around tragic events like the war in Ukraine, and explore some degree of how to stay engaged without becoming overwhelmed.
Coping with Failure, and Dealing with Disappointment
On this episode of Being Well, Dr. Rick Hanson and I discuss what it looks like to experience failure not as falling short, but as an opportunity for growth. We consider how to manage the pain of failure, adapt expectations, and develop systems of feedback to allow for a greater sense of ease and purpose.
How to Be a Good Rebel with Todd Kashdan
On today’s episode of Being Well, Dr. Rick Hanson and I are joined by Dr. Todd Kashdan to discuss how to combine skillful positivity with principled insubordination, so we can speak up for what’s right even when it’s not popular.
Integration: How to Solve Most of Your Problems
On today’s episode of Being Well, Dr. Rick Hanson and I discuss the fundamental strategies that allow us to become aware of and integrate all parts of ourselves–those we want to celebrate and expand, and those we’d like to heal and change.
Family Challenges, Financial Risks, and Connecting With a Wounded Inner Child: Mailbag
On today’s episode, Dr. Rick Hanson and I answer questions from listeners focusing on topics like how we can improve our family relationships and navigate difficult decisions. Also, Rick reveals what form of therapy he actually practices (well, kind of)!
Embracing Uncertainty with Kaira Jewel Lingo
Dr. Rick Hanson and I share a great conversation with Kaira Jewel Lingo about how to cultivate trust and equanimity in the face of uncertainty. We discuss the somatic experience of opening to the unknown, taking action as an antidote to anxiety, and how to have equanimity both when things work out, and when they don’t.
Creating an Abundance Mindset
On this episode of Being Well, Dr. Rick Hanson and I talk about what a scarcity and an abundance mindset is, what some sources of scarcity are, and how we can move to an authentic experience of abundance.
Finding Your Passion and Purpose
Today on Being Well, Dr. Rick Hanson and I discuss how to identify and pursue our purpose, why it’s so valuable to have one in the first place, and some questions and strategies that help provide clarity about how we’d like to spend a big chunk of our time.